Wednesday, February 26, 2014

my surprise trip to visit the grandhumans

my surprise trip home to visit the grandhumans was a success! 

they didn't expect a thing, and were very surprised when my human and i showed up. 

 i'm reenacting the moment i surprised my grandhumans by popping out of my hiding place. i'm a really good hider, by the way.

my grandpaw human turned 60 years old this weekend. but we weren't his only birthday gift!

my grandmaw human arranged a big fancy surprise party and invited a lot of other humans over to celebrate. 

will there be bacon at this party? this is very important.

even though there weren't any other 4-legged guests, i still had a great time.

there was a lot of cake, which i tried to help myself to, but i was too short. 

short legs means no cake for me. hmph.

when i realized that i wouldn't be able to reach the cake, i tried to convince the humans to give me a lick by charming them with my good looks.

keeping my eye on this delicious pastry and looking cute at the same time isn't as easy as it looks.

there were a lot of humans wearing fancy pointy shoes. i didn't want to get trampled on by accident, so i snuggled up in my blue hoodie under the table until everyone left. 

i think i'll be here for a while - can you blame me for wanting to get cozy?

but i still kept one eye on the cake, of course, just in case someone tried to run off with it.

the human moved the cake even further out of my reach, but that doesn't mean i can't keep my eye on it. to see if it drops any crumbs, obviously. 

once the party got started, i ended up taking a lot of pictures with the party human included. taking photos is really exhausting, you know.

no more photos please, human. i think it's time for me to take my nap.

the next morning, i woke up really early because i had some exciting things planned for the day.

helloooo, is anyone awake up there? it's time for someone to take me out to tinkle and play in the snow!

things like...playing in the snow.

time to pretend i'm a sled dog competing in the Iditarod! mush! mush!

a LOT of snow.

it's not an easy job, but someone's gotta do it.

my grandpaw human and i had a lot of fun running around outside. the snowbanks were taller than i am!

squirrel? where? i can't see anything, the snow is too high!

i also had big plans to chew on the ball my grandhumans gave me.

this good...

except i got kinda bored playing by myself.

does anyone want to play with me?

but everyone was busy cleaning up after the party, so i was on my own.

well this is boring.

then, the grandhumans had a surprise for me! we were going to my favorite pet store, and i could pick out one thing to buy.

this is the best day ever!

i took my time sniffing out the goods and deciding what to get.

this is one of the most difficult decisions i have ever made in my life. and i'm two years old!

then, the human gave me some bad news. it was time to go back home.

what do you mean you have to "go back to work?" that sounds like a lame excuse to ruin my fun.

when we arrived at the airport, i tried to convince my grandhumans to let me stay...with my happy smile and charming good looks of course. those come in handy, you know.

you should let me stay here, please please please?

but it didn't work, and i ended up in my travel bag headed back home.

i still want to know why no one asked me MY opinion about leaving. because i have one, you know. and it's not this.

even though we had to cut our surprise trip short, i had a really great time. i can't wait to visit my grandhumans again this summer!

- rambo
Friday, February 21, 2014

surprise trip to visit the grandhumans!

can you keep a secret?


the human and i are going on a plane trip today to visit the grandhumans...and they don't know a thing!

i love plane trips! mostly because i get to snuggle in my cozy carrier at my human's feet.

my grandpaw human is turning 60 years old, so the human thought it would be nice if we flew up to surprise to him.

i'm really excited to say the least.

when we get there, can we make some bacon? and go for a walk? and cuddle with the grand humans? and...

we had a looooooooonnng layover in a city i've never been to, so we had lunch at a yummy-smelling seafood restaurant in between flights.

a restaurant that allows traveling pups to sit at the table with their humans? this is great! 

the human ordered a Bloody Mary to start, but i drank water - i'm only two years old after all. i don't think i would want to drink that stuff even if i was allowed to. bleh.

then, the human ordered a plate of fried calamari. i don't know what calamari is, and even though i wanted a taste, the human wouldn't give me any. she said it would upset my tummy.

if i can't eat this, i hope that you brought a lot bacon treats for me.

then, when we finally got on the next plane, i got scared by all the noises and hid in my carrier.

this plane is a lot bigger than the planes we normally fly on. what was that noise? and that one? and that? oh dear. i think i'll just hide in here.

but soon enough we were about to land! i stuck my head outside my carrier long enough to see this beautiful scene outside the window.

we're about to land! yippie! 

i can't wait to see the look on my grandhumans' face when we walk in the door!

i bet my grandhumans' faces will look like this!

here's to a fun-filled weekend of surprises! 

- rambo
Thursday, February 6, 2014

it's my birthday!

it's my birthday! i'm turning two today.

i love birthdays! especially when they're my birthday.

my human is making me a petcakei'm pretty excited about it.

this smells good enough to eat now. can i have a lick?

i made sure to keep watch on my petcake while it cooked in the microwave. 

is it done yet? how about now?...and now? 

it only took 2 minutes, but those were the longest 2 minutes ever.

finally, my petcake was cooked and the whole house smelled like carrot cake! 

yay for petcakes! yay for birthdays! yay for humans who make me treats!

the human made sure to put candles in my petcake to make it official. what would a birthday be without candles on your cake?

she didn't light them, of course. i'm scared of fire (as all little 2 year old puppies should be).

then the human gave me the ok to take a bite.

here i go!

it was the most delicious thing i had ever tasted.

the only thing that would make this better is bacon. bacon makes everything better.

then it was time to open presents! the human gave me a soccer ball and a squeaky turtle.

i'm pretty sure that the wrapping paper is the best part though.

here's to the best birthday ever!

being two years old is the best!

- rambo
Rambo The Puppy © 2013.

Design by Melissa Paniagua