Tuesday, March 18, 2014

St. Patrick's Day Bloopers

sooo....i promised you guys more st. patrick's day photos, except...i wasn't very cooperative when it came to taking the pictures. 

who, me?

but just because i wasn't thrilled with my st. patrick's day props doesn't mean i'm not going to share the pictures with you.

this picture is ok, what do you mean they didn't turn out great?

so instead of sharing only the best pictures, i thought you might want to see some funny bloopers!

bloopers? ha! that's a funny word. see, i'm already laughing! 

here's a picture of me getting excited about my st. patrick's day photo shoot.

whoooooo hooooo! st.patrick's day! yea!

but i wasn't thrilled the whole time. nope, not at all.

i'm a wee bit irish? nope. how about...IRISH YOU WOULD TAKE THIS STUFF OFF OF ME SO I COULD GO PLAY.

yeah, i mustered up a good smile a few times, but all in all, i just wasn't feeling it.

i am only smiling because you said the word "bacon."

most of the time, i felt pretty embarrassed. the human got a good laugh out of it though.

why is this bow on my head? why?

my irish hat just didn't fit, and my bow tie was clearly too big. 

i don't understand why this looks "irish." i think it just looks stupid.

in the end, i decided to take a nap. that's my signal to the human that the photo shoot is officially over.

see this yawn? that mean this is OVER. DONE. FINITO.
...what does finito mean?

see? i told you these bloopers were pretty silly :)

- rambo


  1. Bloopers or not you look pretty cute. You looked Irish because you wore green. Every thing is green on St. Patrick's day.

  2. Gunny says, no such thing as a blooper with you in it, Rambo! they are all keepers

  3. once again Rambo you have done your human proud ,you are so adorable ,you could wear anything and still look cute x

  4. You did pretty good O'Rambo...lol..! Cute and adorable pics as always...!


Rambo The Puppy © 2013.

Design by Melissa Paniagua