Wednesday, January 1, 2014

new year's eve 2014

happy new year everyone!

for new year's eve, i dressed up in my finest...because i had a lady friend coming over!

do i look handsome and distinguished? because that's what i'm going for.

her name is chloe, and she's really camera shy. 

my human had to pretend she was serving us bacontinis in order to get this picture. chloe wasn't amused once she figured out what we were up to.

chloe decided to hide under the blanket on the couch until we promised to put the camera away.

so of course i posed for pictures for 10 minutes. bacon treats can be verrrry persuasive. 

doing my best impression of my human when she drinks a little too much champagne...he he he.

whooohoo, it's almost 2014! 

i'm pretty sure these are the coolest, most sparkly glasses i've ever worn.

i learned how to wave on command last week, so i made sure to show off my skills to the camera.

how long do i have to wave in order to get that treat you're holding?

but i quickly got tired of wearing my sparkly glasses, and wanted to take them off.

a little help here?

...and i ended up looking like this.

well this is embarrassing.

so i tried on my blue happy new year crown instead.

hmmm...still not sure how i feel about this thing yet.

but it was late, and i was getting tired. i had to figure out how i would conserve my energy to stay up until 12:00am!

if i take a little nap right here, will anyone notice?

here's to a new year filled with bacon treats, belly rubs, and afternoon walkies!

a new year's note from rambo and his human, to all of rambo's fans:

thank you for an amazing year! we are so, so, so happy that you, rambo's amazing fans, love reading his blog and following his adventures on his facebook page. hearing that rambo's posts bring a smile to your face, make you giggle, or bring joy to your life is the most amazing feeling in the world! we are so excited to see what is in store for us in the new year, and even more excited to have all of you along for the ride. thank you for loving rambo and being the amazing, loyal fans that you are.

- rambo & rambo's human


  1. Rambo you sure do bring a smile to my face everyday. I think your Mommy should grant your wish of 50% more bacon treats in 2014. Keep posting and I'll keep smiling. Love you!

  2. Happy New year . I hope you can increase your bacon treats by 50% and I bet it won't be hard,to get more belly rubs. You bring much joy to all of your fans and we hope in 2014 you continue to share all the fun things you do.

  3. Rambo is so adorable! My Ashley says woof!

  4. Rambo is so adorable! My Ashley says woof!

  5. Rambo is a beautiful dog.. I felled in love with him the minute I read his story. I follow Rambo on every post. Happy New Year." You are adorable Rambo".

  6. Rambo is a beautiful dog.. I felled in love with him the minute I read his story. I follow Rambo on every post. Happy New Year." You are adorable Rambo".

  7. Hi Rambo,
    You makes us happy even we lost our Zeus. you are so amazing creature. I always share your blog to my human family overseas and telling me how smart you are. keep it up mate.
    Love you Rambo,
    Marie Gonzalez Zeus human family


Rambo The Puppy © 2013.

Design by Melissa Paniagua