Sunday, November 24, 2013

bowser beer and sunday football!

today i'm getting ready to watch my new england patriots face off with the denver broncos!

not sure what i'm more excited about: my beef-flavored bowser beer, the doggie pretzels, or watching my patriots!

and i've got my favorite non-alcoholic bowser beer to drink while watching the game. 

is there anything better than bowser beer and the patriots? 
i'm having a hard time being patient though. the game doesn't start until 8:30 pm est, but i want to drink one NOW.

but it's BEEF flavored. how do you expect me to wait 2 hours to drink it?
so the human said i could have one before the game begins.

ok, i choose this one! let's crack it open!

so she poured my bowser beer into the purple freezer mug so i could drink it out of a chilled glass. 

i think i'll just have a few licks while you're pouring it into my glass, ok?
it was sooooo good, that i drank so much i couldn't reach the bottom of the glass. the human poured it into a bowl so i could finish it off.

this is much better, why didn't we do this to begin with?
and then when i was done, i had some fun pushing the bottle around on the carpet. 

if we had a few more empty bottles, we could pretend we were bowling!
and i made the human laugh by mimicking what she does after drinking one of her favorite beers (tee hee hee).

this is what you do after drinking a samuel adams boston lager. just kidding... :)
and i just settled into my pup-couch for a quick nap before the game starts...

snuggled onto my pup-couch, drinking a bowser beer, taking a nap, AND the patriots are on tv later. life is good!
can't wait to watch my pats play (and drink another bowser beer) tonight!

- rambo


  1. Such a cute dog!!!!

  2. Rambo, enjoy the game. Don't over headaches tomorrow morning, and excuses for sleeping in late.


Rambo The Puppy © 2013.

Design by Melissa Paniagua