Saturday, October 26, 2013

saturdays are for visiting pumpkin patches

i'm pretty sure that the best day to visit a pumpkin patch is on a saturday.
brand new plaid shirt, puppy dog grin, it's friday afternoon...i'm ready to go!

i have never been to a pumpkin patch before today. it was pretty great.

i'm just happy to be outside, but i guess these things are cool.

sometimes, i don't always cooperate with my human and "smile for the camera..."

there are squirrels everywhere, how do you expect me to smile for the camera at a time like this?
but she always manages to get at least one good shot of me looking cute.
this is my best adorable face.
i even had a costume change today. 
to be honest, i liked the plaid shirt better.

i spent some time contemplating things that confused me.

why do you call me your "little pumpkin?" i don't see any resemblance to these large, round lumpy orange things.
but all in all, it was a fun field trip.
does this mean i get extra bacon treats?
happy fall!

- rambo


  1. You're a total cutie and make those costumes look awesome! Glad to see you had fun at the pumpkin patch, punkin'!

  2. Plaid is your color. Very fallish and you could stand in for one of the scarecrows.


Rambo The Puppy © 2013.

Design by Melissa Paniagua