Thursday, November 28, 2013

20 things i'm thankful for this thanksgiving

happy thanksgiving!

do i look like a pilgrim in this outfit?

i have a lot to be thankful for this year.

so i decided to make a list of 20 things i'm thankful for and share it with all of you!


awesome stuff i'm thankful for

1. squeaky toys

2. turkey...especially thanksgiving turkey

3. bacon

4. snuggly dog beds

5. my human

6. my sweet potato and chicken flavor puppy chow

7. my grandhumans!

8. my bff luke, even though i haven't seen him in a while

9. bacon

10. afternoon walks (or anytime walks!)


12. my teddy bear


14. bacon

15. my human's job, because even though she is gone for most of the day, she can buy me (almost) all the toys i want :)

16. facebook and facebook pages!

17. my favorite blue striped hoodie

18. my skateboard...that i'm still learning how to ride

19. bacon


thank you for being such awesome facebook fans! i never though i would ever get to this point, and it's all because of you. it makes me (and my human!) so happy to know that you enjoy seeing my pictures, following my adventures, and reading my blog. i'm so excited to see where this takes all of us!

ok, enough with the sappy stuff. let's go eat some TURKEY!

this is my "i'm ready for turkey" face. 
- rams

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

my 2013 christmas list!

there's less than ONE MONTH until christmas!

which means it's time to get down to business.

this is my serious face.

i've been thinking a lot about what i want for christmas. 

...other than world peace and bacon for everyone, of course. 

...well, at least bacon for everyone, because i'm pretty sure that would help make the world a lot more peaceful and happy. 

can we get to my christmas list already?

so anyways, i've finally come up with a list of things i want to send to santa. 

and since i'm pretty sure that ALL dogs would want this stuff, not just me, i thought i would share it with all you humans to help you shop for your own pup.


seriously, are you ready yet?
what about now? 

ok, good. 

here's my list for santa! (and psssst, make sure to read to the end, because i share a really great coupon code with you for 10% off your purchase of $50 or more at!)

1. bacon, but i'm pretty sure that goes without saying.

there seriously isn't anything better than this.

2. a new lamb chop from i tore all the stuffin' out of mine last summer :( 

RIP will be (and have) been missed.

3. a blue invincibles squeaker toy (also from my favorite store ever,!)...because i already have the orange one, so now i need the blue one. 

by the way, humans: these toys are AWESOME because even if my sharp, razor-like puppy teeth puncture the squeaker, IT STILL SQUEAKS! best. toy. ever. 

if i were the king of the world, every dog far and wide would have one of these. 

4. a WHOLE CASE of non-alcoholic bowser beer

if THIS face doesn't tell you how much i love this stuff, i don't know WHAT will.

5. natural balance limited ingredient jerky treats (from petflow and made in the usa, yay!). these are some of my most favorite treats ever. seriously, do i LOOK like i would joke about something like this? 

if santa loves me (and i really hope he does) he will stick a package of these in my stocking!

6. a personal chef who will make me mutt soup and mutt meatballs for me EVERY NIGHT. pleaseeee :)

i just wear the chefs hat, i don't ACTUALLY cook. get it straight.

7. oh, and add to that mutt pancakes, since i haven't been able to try them yet (pretty sure it's because my human has been too lazy to make them for me).

waking up to THESE on christmas morning would be like, the best thing ever.

8. a mustache. well, a toy mustache at least. santa (or the human) could get this one from petflow too...just sayin'.

think about how cool i would look nomming on THIS!

9. a dragon!!!! ROAR! 

...but a dragon chew toy from petflow will do just fine if santa can't locate a real dragon in time. 

this looks like the perfect chew toy for my sharp little dragon teeth :)

10. a jigsaw glider dog game by kyjen

my trainer said i need toys that stimulate my brain more since i'm such an active pup, and i think this is what she was talking about. 

pssst, human and/or santa, you can ALSO get this for me on petflow! yay!

pretty sure that this would keep me entertained for hours. plus, purple and green are really awesome colors. 

11. a year's supply of petcakes! ohm nom nom nom nom. that's all i have to say about that.

these are so easy to make, even a dog with no thumbs can do it!

12. ultra-sonic blowfish dog toy i found on petflow...because sometimes the human doesn't always want to hear me squeaking my squeakers in the middle of the night :)

this lil' guy is made with an awesomely awesome squeaker that only dogs can hear, which means peace and quiet for all you non-squeaker loving humans! :) 

...and that's all i have...for now, at least. :)

now all i have to do is figure out how to reach the mail box so i can mail my letter to santa...

oh, and by the way, use the code RAMBO10 on to get 10% off any order of $50 or more! check out their site and see all the cool stuff you can get! trust me, your pups will thank you :) 

- rambo
Sunday, November 24, 2013

bowser beer and sunday football!

today i'm getting ready to watch my new england patriots face off with the denver broncos!

not sure what i'm more excited about: my beef-flavored bowser beer, the doggie pretzels, or watching my patriots!

and i've got my favorite non-alcoholic bowser beer to drink while watching the game. 

is there anything better than bowser beer and the patriots? 
i'm having a hard time being patient though. the game doesn't start until 8:30 pm est, but i want to drink one NOW.

but it's BEEF flavored. how do you expect me to wait 2 hours to drink it?
so the human said i could have one before the game begins.

ok, i choose this one! let's crack it open!

so she poured my bowser beer into the purple freezer mug so i could drink it out of a chilled glass. 

i think i'll just have a few licks while you're pouring it into my glass, ok?
it was sooooo good, that i drank so much i couldn't reach the bottom of the glass. the human poured it into a bowl so i could finish it off.

this is much better, why didn't we do this to begin with?
and then when i was done, i had some fun pushing the bottle around on the carpet. 

if we had a few more empty bottles, we could pretend we were bowling!
and i made the human laugh by mimicking what she does after drinking one of her favorite beers (tee hee hee).

this is what you do after drinking a samuel adams boston lager. just kidding... :)
and i just settled into my pup-couch for a quick nap before the game starts...

snuggled onto my pup-couch, drinking a bowser beer, taking a nap, AND the patriots are on tv later. life is good!
can't wait to watch my pats play (and drink another bowser beer) tonight!

- rambo

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

visiting the grandhumans

i've had a great time visiting the grandhumans these past few days. 

we went for walks in the woods.

fun places to explore, new things to smell, and bigger squirrels to chase...this is awesome!

i tasted the air. it tasted a lot different than where i live.

i don't know if i'm tasting the air or the crumbs that got stuck on my nose from breakfast today.

we went for walks in the center of town, where i ran around for hours and hours.

so much grass i don't even know what to do with it! 

i did some wiggling around.

smelling like grass and dirt is so much better than puppy dog shampoo.

since it was one of the warmest days they've ever had, we went to panera bread and sat outside for lunch.

i don't even care that i don't get any human food, sitting in the warm sunlight is all i really want. and bacon. i always want bacon.

then we drove around and ran some errands. 

alright, if you can press the gas, i'll do the steering. now, hold on a sec...where's the gear shift?

when we got home, i took a nap in my grandpaw-human's chair.

yaaaaawwwwnnn....i think i'll just shut my eyes for a few minutes.

afterwards, we played hide-n-seek. 

i don't think they'll see me if i stand still enough. 

and when i got bored, i spent some time browsing the books in their library.

these all seem really boring. where's the picture books?

i tried to get the grandhumans to read something to me, but had a hard time deciding on which book.

an atlas of french wines and vineyards? what about something like...a bacon cook book?

i spent some time with my grans in the kitchen.

i'm waiting for crumbs...and for you to bring out that bacon cook book i was asking about.

and waited impatiently for my dinner at the dining room table. 

do you think i could get a booster seat over here?

after dinner, i tried to get my grandhumans to light a fire in the fireplace. too bad it was "unseasonably warm" and a fire would make the house too hot to sleep.

i just want to see how cute i look lounging in front of the fire. 

and even though my grandhumans put my favorite orange blanket on the couch and gave me lots and lots of bacon treats, i still missed my human. 

how many hours until she comes back? how about now?....and now?...

but then i remembered that i only get to see my grandhumans twice a year, so i might as well enjoy myself!

even though the human is gone, i'm having a pretty good time. plus, the grandhumans are sneaking me more treats than normal, so life is pretty great!

my human will be back to pick me up tomorrow. until then, i think i'll just enjoy all my extra treats, belly rubs, and walks in the woods :) 

- rambo
Sunday, November 17, 2013

off to see the grandhumans!

the human and i are going on a trip! 

and wheeere exactly are we going on such short notice, human?

she's going to some sort of boring work convention, but its close to my grandhumans, so i get to stay at their house for a few days!

i had a really hard time packing today.

yep, this should be good for a weekend at the grandhumans.
i wanted to pack my purple elephant, orange ball, yellow ball, red dragon, favorite rope toy, my dog times newspaper, tastiest bone, warmest wooly sweater, favorite blue sweatshirt, polo shirt, plaid shirt, two bags of my favorite bacon treats, bow tie, superman costume, and blue and red sunglasses. 

i wanted to pack REAL bacon too, but the human drew the line at refrigerated items. 

but it didn't all fit in my owl backpack.

i had to eliminate some things, and i wasn't happy about it. 

what if i didn't pack my purple elephant, or blue sunglasses, or extra bag of treats, and i needed them when i was at the grandhumans house? 

packing is exhausting. i think it's time to take a nap.

after i finally figured out what to pack, we were off to the airport!

i love riding in the car. especially in my favorite pink dog bed.

i'm still mad that you made me leave my purple elephant at home. *hmph*

when we got to the airport, i made friends with a really nice human in a blue uniform.

i could hang out here all day.
and i had some fun making the humans luggage weigh more than it actually did...hehe.

it says i weight HOW much?!
and then it was time to go through security! 

i hope they don't confiscate my bacon treats.
i made sure to take everything out of my pockets before going through the metal detector, just like they asked. 

but then the human told me something awful: i had to go into my little red carrier if i wanted to be allowed to go past security.

i was having a good time, why do you have to put me in here and ruin all the fun?
i don't mind my carrier, but i was having so much fun meeting everyone in the airport. 

then we finally boarded the plane and took off! 
i forgot how much fun it is to look out the window of a plane. 

what do you mean i have bed head? i've barely been asleep for 5 minutes!
but soon i got tired...
and decided to take a nap. 

hopefully when i wake up we will have landed and i
can see my grandhumans!

- rambo
Rambo The Puppy © 2013.

Design by Melissa Paniagua